Pinterest is Now Available in Hindi

Pinterest is one of the biggest social networks on the internet. Here, you can collect and share inspiring images, charts, infographics, bookmark, promote your business, expand your communities, etc. It is one of the best social media marketing strategies.
Pinterest now speaks Hindi

Pinterest is now available in Hindi. Hindi is one of the most popular languages in the world and particularly prominent in India. It ought to make Pinterest’s administration additionally engaging local speakers. You can pick the language option in account settings.

Go to Settings -> Language (Drop Down menu)

Go to Settings

language options

Twitter Lead Generation Cards to All Businesses

What is Twitter Lead Generation Cards?

It is a streamlined tool, opened for all advertisers including small and medium businesses. It helps you to connect with users who are all interested in your expanded Tweet.

It provides very easy and secure way to users, when they are having interest on a particular brand offers and sharing their email addresses with businesses. It is available in all languages.

Twitter Lead Generation Cards

Businesses need to register with a Twitter ad account here to access the Lead Generation Cards

You can download the leads from your twitter ads in CSV format after finishing the basic setups. It will take few minutes.

There is an option to update incoming leads instantly in CRM system.

Analytics Report of Lead Generation Card: Here, you can see responses and calculate ROI

Analytics Report of Lead Generation Card