Part 1: The Most Popular Words Used In Viral Headlines

We are all know “Content is King”. It’s playing a major role on the internet. What pushes someone to read content as well as to pass it on? This can make only by “viral content”. Such a variety of diverse variables go into a viral post—timing, emotion, engagement, and so many others.

The team at Ripenn did an incredible work on the top words used in viral headlines. They are researched on most click-worthy sites like BuzzFeed, ViralNova, UpWorthy and Wimp and Each of these sites receives more than 4,000,000 monthly unique visits. Why? The headlines are an enormous reason.

Here are the most popular words used in those viral headlines.


2-Word Phrases Used In Viral Headlines

3-Word Phrases Used In Viral Headlines

4-Word Phrases Used In Viral Headlines

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